Friday 11 October 2019

Lipstick on a Pig

The Folly Of It All

We are working through a book entitled The Deep Time Deception.  It contains a paragraph on Darwin and his infamous Origin of the Species.  It reads:
Darwin was essentially using rhetorical arguments and speculation elevated to "truth" to convince his readers.  Numerous challenges over the years have been simply accommodated or shoved under the rug.  For instance, a new book by Michael Denton states that there are about 100,000 biological novelties that help define different organisms, such as the wings of birds, which cannot be adaptive while "evolving" and cannot be explained by natural selection, the basis of Darwin's theory.  One wonders whether there really are any intellectually defensible claims when it comes to the subject of evolution.  [Michael J. Oard, The Deep Time Deception: Examining the Case For Millions of Years (Powder Springs, GA: Creation Book Publishers, 2019). p. 30.]
For our part, evolutionism lost all its integrity when we came across the following syllogism (originally Karl Popper's we believe):  if evolutionism were true it could never be described; if it can be described it cannot possibly be true.

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