Wednesday 2 October 2019

Body Parts By Demand

China is Murdering Religious Minorities

Harvesting Their Organs “To Order”

Adam Ford
September 26, 2019

China was accused before the UN Human Rights Council Tuesday of murdering “a very substantial number” of people from persecuted religious groups in the country in order to harvest their organs for medical purposes.

The China Tribunal, a group that’s investigating China over organ harvesting, claims that the Chinese government is taking hearts, kidneys, lungs, and skin from members of persecuted groups including Uighur Muslims and the Falun Gong religious group.

China denies the charge of mass organ harvesting. The China Tribunal says it has proof that “forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.”

The watchdog contends that “thousands of innocents have been killed to order having the physical integrity of their beings – their bodies – cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale.”

A lawyer for the group told the UN Human Rights Council that the harvesting has involved “hundreds of thousands of victims,” and continues to this day.

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