Saturday 19 December 2015

Counter Punching


 One can't help but admire Carly Fiorina's ability to spot the hidden agenda of  Progressive media operatives, and not just call them out, but skewer them, with about the right mix of incredulity and disdain for the intellectual dishonesty and brazen hypocrisy on display.

The issue being debated was the murderous attack by a lone wolf upon the Planned Parenthood abortuary in Colarado Springs, and the successful expose recently conducted upon Planned Parenthood as the world's predominant abortuary company.


David said...

Carly Fiorina has been proven over and over to lie about Planned Parenthood. She claimed to have seen videos that don't exist.

John, just because someone supports your position doesn't mean you have to accept their lies.

If Carly Fiorina truly wants to destroy Planned Parenthood, she should become its CEO.

David said...

John, did you know that Planned Parenthood is not the only organisation that "sells body parts"?

All over the US there are hospitals "selling body parts", but they're called heart transplants, kidney transplants, lung transplants and so on. Each one of these is as a result of tissue harvested from a cadaver, some are even harvested from quite small children, most from bodies that are so fresh they are still warm.

And yet I don't hear you speaking out against this abomination.

John Tertullian said...

Ah, yes David. We acknowledge that body parts are sold for transplants, etc. But in almost all cases the body parts are donated by the one whence they came. Blood donors fall into the same category.

So, three problems with your position: firstly, last time we checked the sale of body parts of murdered unborn children was against US federal law.

Secondly, to use the transplanted human tissue of unborn children underscores what the entire world knows all along--that the unborn child truly is a human being and that the unborn child possesses a human body--and that what takes place in the abortuary is murder. It confirms that Planned Parenthood knows this to be the case, even while they are loudly asserting that it is not so. Such hypocrisy and moral nihilism requires exposure--particularly because everyone is paying for it via their taxes.

Thirdly, does the unborn child give consent to their precious body being used in this way? Since they are unable to do so, and since the subsequent profiting from the dismemberment and sale of their bodies is entirely involuntary as far as the victim is concerned, may we suggest that your assumption and assertion of moral equivalence between the harvest of abortuaries and the donating of body parts is specious.