Wednesday 27 February 2019

Forbidden Fruits

Declaring War Upon Oneself

The practise and ideology of transgenderism sets a person against himself.  He or she risks becoming their own worst enemy.  The physical impacts can be considerable.  Transgenderism is a declaration of war upon oneself.

This kind of declaration of war is of the same ilk wrought by the mother of the human race, Eve.
But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate . . . [Genesis 3]

This, from Bob McCoskrie, of Family First:

There was some good news yesterday with news that the government coalition are delaying legislation which would allow people to change the gender on their birth certificate. Of most concern is that the bill would allow the birth certificate of an ‘eligible child’ to be changed.

But as our report by Professor John Whitehall, released late last year, says:

There is no biological basis to the confusion over gender: it has the hallmarks of a psychological fad, fanned by an uncritical, sensationalist media, given direction by private websites and even government funded programmes of ‘education’.

Sadly, the most vulnerable of children appear to be at particular risk: numerous reviews reveal the majority of children confused about their gender also suffer from diagnosed mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Proponents of the medical pathway declare it is necessary to prevent suicide but, again, there is no evidence that gender dysphoria in children, per se, is associated with a higher risk of suicide. The accompanying mental and family disorders, however, are known to be associated with self-harm and, therefore, an affected child and family deserves close attention and compassion. Suicide may be prevented by compassionate ‘watchful waiting’ for the natural effects of puberty to orientate the child in the direction of its chromosomes, while applying standard therapy to the associated mental disorder.

There is also no scientific evidence in medical literature to support the massive interventions of the medical pathway. To the contrary, there are multiple expressions of the need for evidence, and lamentations about its lack. Society and governments are being led by so-called ‘expert opinion’. The medical pathway is based only on ideology, and claims of ‘success’ reflect beliefs, not science. Even worse, these beliefs are not negotiable: they have become coercive.  [Emphasis, ours.]

Ideological birth certificate proposal rightly deferred

Media Release 25 February 2019

Family First NZ is welcoming a decision by Internal Affairs Minister Tracey Martin to defer a bill that would make it easier to change gender on birth certificates. The Government and Administration select committee had recommended that birth certificates be based on the choice of the person, including the fact that no medical evidence is required for the change.

“The effect of this proposal would be to insert a biological lie. By choosing your own gender on your birth certificate, the certificates would become an object of unscientific gender ideology and effectively tell medical professionals that they got it wrong at time of birth,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

“It is disturbing that some politicians want to ignore biological reality and, in the process, bring about confusion and ambiguity. A birth certificate is a historical record based on fact - not a political tool to further an ideology.”

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