Wednesday 9 October 2013

Beneath Contempt

Legalisms To Salve Perverted Consciences

Sex selection abortions clarified as perfectly acceptable in the UK.  This has been the consistent testimony of abortion advocates and pro-abortion groups.  This breaking news from The Telegraph:
Ann Furedi, of BPAS, [the UK's largest abortion charity] said the law does not prevent women from choosing a termination on the grounds of gender and she even compared it to abortion after rape.  Mrs Furedi's comments come weeks after it was disclosed that the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] had decided not to prosecute two doctors who were exposed by a Daily Telegraph investigation arranging terminations purely because the unborn baby was a girl.
This is yet another proof of how evil and wicked the whole abortion trade is.  The depraved logic is inescapable: the "thing" inside a woman's womb is not a human being, not a person.  Therefore, the sex of the thing is completely irrelevant when deciding whether to kill it off or not.

What is equally depraved is the ratiocinations issuing forth from the UK prosecution authorities to justify this position (in which they have relied upon advice from the British Medical Association).

Guidance issued by The British Medical Association (BMA) advised doctors that "there may be circumstances, in which termination of pregnancy on grounds of fetal sex would be lawful". The disclosure is expected to spark fury among dozens of MPs who have criticised the medical establishment for seeking to redefine abortion laws.
Here is the morally bankrupt position of the Crown Prosecution Service:
Mr Starmer [the Director of Public Prosecutions] relied on the BMA guidance for his decision. He said: "The law does not, in terms, expressly prohibit gender-specific abortions; rather it prohibits any abortion carried out without two medical practitioners having formed a view, in good faith, that the health risks of continuing with a pregnancy outweigh those of termination."
In other words, as long as two medical practitioners approve an abortion it can be for any reason whatsoever as long as it can be remotely related to the "health risks" of continuing with the pregnancy.  So, the boggled mind wonders: what health risks might emerge over issues of the gender of the unborn child?

Have no fear.  We are promptly enlightened by the British Medical Association:
It has today emerged that the BMA issued guidance for doctors about sex selective abortion.  It stated: "It is normally unethical to terminate a pregnancy on the grounds of fetal sex alone.”  However, it then continues: “The pregnant woman’s views about the effect of the sex of the fetus on her situation and on her existing children should nevertheless be carefully considered.”  “In some circumstances doctors may come to the conclusion that the effects are so severe as to provide legal and ethical justification for a termination,” concludes the guidance.
Yup.  "Health risks" can be twisted to include anything.  Consider the mother-to-be who fervently believed that the child in her womb was a spawn of Satan because she had copulated with the Devil.  Clearly, the effects of continuing with the pregnancy would be severe.  Terminate immediately.

But it gets worse.  Doctors in the UK can certify abortions without ever seeing the woman seeking an abortion:
Under the current legislation, two doctors must sign off every abortion. However, Mr Starmer notes that the current paperwork means that “that an abortion can be performed without either medical practitioner having actual direct contact with the woman requesting an abortion”. . . .

After the Telegraph investigation, the Care Quality Commission carried out a series of inspections at abortion clinics. The inspections found that the practice of “pre-signing” abortion forms was widespread. In Hereford, ten out of 20 forms were pre-signed. A subsequent investigation of 463 cases showed that in 236 of those cases one of the signatures was a photocopy. However, none of these doctors have been prosecuted.
When the moral compass of a nation becomes so perverted and its conscience so dead, what hope remains?
Such a nation is beneath contempt.  It commits to evil, but seeks to salve its own conscience by covering it over with a patina of legality in the vain attempt to salve the last vestiges of a long departed self-respect.  On this basis the killing of Jews and Gypsies could be justified faster than a doctor could pre-sign an abortion certificate.

1 comment:

bethyada said...

Echoes of infanticide in ancient Rome!

There is increasing evidence against the fetus being a thing. You may be interested in this article.

Mouse fetuses will give up stem cells to repair their mother's heart....Previous research has identified fetal stem cells in other damaged organs of pregnant women, including the brain, liver, kidney and lung. Fetuses also produce cells that are known to protect the mother against breast cancer.