Thursday, 7 February 2013

Progressives and the Ideology of Eugenics

Dirty Secrets

Eugenics was and remains a proud glory of the Progressive ideology.  It was somewhat unfortunate that Hitler and the Nazis took eugenics seriously, so seriously that it became a movement for mass extermination of those deemed unfit.  This served to take the gloss off  what many in the Progressive movement deeply believed.  So public support for eugenics faded.  But the reality and the dystopian nightmare continued.
  Edwin Black Talks About Eugenics in Present Day Society
Abortion is a form of soft-eugenics.  A baby that is unwanted by its mother and father is likely to experience a terrible life.  Cold pity argues for the termination of the child's life, rather than let the child experience deprivation, rejection, and hardship.  It's a mercy to kill, don't you know.

Women who are stupid enough to get pregnant when contraceptives are readily, even freely available are a lower, ignorant order in society.  Preventing them breeding and reproducing their inferiority serves to increase the quality of human breeding stock.  The better, more "responsible" adults end up having and raising children.

The Blaze carries a piece reminding us just how committed early Progressive ideologues and leaders were to eugenics as a way to develop a better society.  Ideological descendants of these miscreants continue the cause by other means in our day.

America’s Disturbing History of Eugenics — the Details You May Find Difficult


There are few chapters in history more bereft of humanity than the Holocaust, where Adolf Hitler sought to implement his “final solution” by way of mass genocide. What most do not realize, however, is that Eugenics, as a social movement and scientific application, was actually part of the American landscape long before it reached Germany. In fact, American academia’s advocacy, and later the country’s use of genetic manipulation to purge society of its “undesirables” inspired the Fuhrer.
In practice, Eugenicists’ first order of business in the late 18th and early 19th century was to identify society’s “degenerates.” Those deemed undesirable ranged from the mentally ill, handicapped, and the physically disabled (this included the blind and deaf), to the poor and uneducated, promiscuous women, homosexuals and certain racial groups — particularly Jews and blacks.
Once the unfit groups were sufficiently identified, institutionalization and euthanasia were two Eugenics-driven approaches to “solve the problem.” Advocates of the practice marketed it as a humane way to end suffering and ensure a fit and “healthy” society prevailed.
While even Alexander Graham Bell and Leonard Darwin (Charles Darwin’s son) sat on the earliest International Congress of Eugenics in 1912, it was Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich’s adoption of the practice that took this dark art and plunged it into unspeakable depths of depravity and barbarism.
Hitlers’ was the most “successful” Eugenics campaign to date, and began with something as rudimentary as a ”caliper” test to the broadness of one’s nose. To the Nazis, broad-noses equated to ethnic “inferiority” — in other words: ”life unworthy of life.” That sum comprised 6 million Jews, nearly 3 million Poles, an estimated 1 million Romany-gypsies, 15,000 homosexuals, at least 300,000 institutionalized disabled men, women and children and 400,000 more who were spared only to be forcibly sterilized.
Others erased from existence were Africans who had been brought to Germany by the French during the Allied occupation in World War I — many of whom married German women and produced what Hitler called the “Rhineland Bastards.”
The Fuhrer laid out his plan in Mein Kampf, stating he would eliminate these “insults” on the German nation. Under the stewardship of Dr. Eugen Fischer, a group called “Commission Number 3″ was created to organize the forced sterilization of the Rhineland Bastards through Germany’s  ”Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring.”
Throughout their crusade, the Nazis showed neither remorse nor mercy, and always presented their ethnic cleansing, just as the Americans had done before them, as a means for good. By ridding Germans of the societal, financial and, ultimately, genetic burden of the “undesirable,” and by ridding the undesirables of their “miserable” existence, the Germans maintained that theirs was actually an act of virtue.
Far from the shores of the Rhineland and some years prior to the Holocaust, however, Eugenics advocate Woodrow Wilson signed into law a sterilization act, and the following year Theodore Roosevelt wrote of the need to improve “racial qualities.” Even Calvin Coolidge, along with author Arthur Calhoun, acknowledged the role Eugenic-driven procreation would play “in the new social order.”
In “The Dark Roots of Eugenics,” Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy wrote that philanthropists like Andrew Carnegie and the Rockefeller family all financially buoyed the movement, and in the early 20th century John D. Rockefeller himself introduced Margaret Sanger – the founder of Planned Parenthood — to the rainmakers who would bankroll her Birth Control League. Initially, this organization was not designed so much to empower women but as a vehicle for propping up the practice of Eugenics. Sanger was a staunch admirer of the Nazis, often incorporating articles from Nazi-doctors into her monthly publication  The Birth Control Review. Her own article, “A Thoroughbreds,” offered sweeping praise of Eugenics and strongly condemned a society where the inferior were allowed to dwell.
In the end, through compulsory laws, some 60,000 people were sterilized in the U.S., rendering untold marriages and generations irreparably damaged.

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