Monday, 11 February 2013

Taking Stock

Refiner's Fire

Homosexual "marriage" is now well on its way to being legal in the UK.  It passed in the UK Parliament by a wide margin we are told.  This is unsurprising, yet damnably culpable nonetheless. 

It is time to take stock.  Here is our take:

1. When a people turn away from God, strange things issue forth.  Good is called evil and evil is called good. Homosexual "marriage" is just one more example.

2. The legalisation of a perverse evil does not make it righteous or ethical.  Just as abortion has been legal for some time, its perversity and grossly immoral nature remain.  The extermination of six million Jews under the Nazis was legal at the time; it was then, and remains, a profoundly wicked act.  Homosexual "marriage" is and will remain an institution of wickedness.

3.  As the darkness deepens the light shines more brightly.
  Paradoxically, Belief has an opportunity both to display the glory of true marriage and the eternal law which binds it in the light.  One of the reasons the early Church became so culturally powerful and influential is that people living under Rome became cynical, jaded, and despairing as classical culture integrated into the void.  Homosexual "marriage" is just one more step into the void; the godly alternative will become more bright eventually in the eyes of the cynical, the jaded, and the despairing.  Let us pray that it would be so. 

4. Amongst Adam's fallen race there is no such thing as natural morality.  Even the most depraved acts can become norms because the heart of man is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." 

5.  Homosexual culture is a death culture; it is impotent to reproduce.  Doubtless it will make an attempt--engaging in all kinds of desperate measures to conceive, bear, and raise children.  The attendant quasi-scientific engineering required to make it happen will luridly highlight its moral perversity--just as abortion does now.

6.  More and more homosexual people will face the emptiness of their existence.  The homosexual culture has buoyed its hope on an "if only . . . " eschatology.  "We would be truly fulfilled if we had full legal rights, if we were "married", if we were accepted , etc."  If it pleases the Sovereign Lord, this growing realisation of emptiness will open opportunities for the Gospel to be heard amongst homosexuals.  The Church must be open, ready, and engaged. 

7.  It is precisely because homosexuality is a sin that anyone ensnared by it can be freed, delivered, and redeemed from it.  Thankfully and mercifully the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ atones for homosexual sin as well all other sins. 

8.  To modify an old adage, Hell hath no fury like disappointed hope.  As Christians remain faithful to our Lord, we can expect a vehement backlash from the homosexual lobby.  The bitter disappointment of thwarted hopes when homosexual "marriage" does not deliver their hoped nirvana will goad them on.  The next target will be those who criticise their cherished idol of homosexuality.  "We would be able to be happily 'married' if Christians would be silenced.  Our rights are being thwarted.  The Government must suppress all such hate speech", etc.    

9.  A multitude of unintended consequences will cascade down: markets and commercial exchanges for homosexual "marriages" seeking children; the persecution of Christians and others who refuse to accept that homosexuality is moral; the eventual rejection of homosexuality by large numbers of children raised in such pseudo families; the eventual lawsuits by bitter adult children raised in such arrangements--and so on. 

10.  The chasm between homosexuality and the Christian faith is never more clearly displayed than in the words of Romans 1: 26ff

For this reason God gave them (mankind) over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire towards one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
There are plenty of poorly taught Christians and never-to-be-taught fellow-travellers who, when confronted with this Word of God, would attempt to explain it away and avoid its teaching.  In such attempts they display a commitment to an ultimate authority above and beyond the Living God.  They have an idol above God.

11.  Bold and irrepressible Christians will develop all kinds of ministries to help those taken in sexual sins, including homosexuality.  Now Christians and churches will be able to develop counselling centres particularly focused upon helping, assisting, and supporting homosexual spouses going through divorces, even as they have for women wanting alternatives to the evil of abortion.  

12.  Homosexual "marriage" will join abortion as one of the touchstone issues of our day which separate light from darkness, truth from error, Belief from Unbelief.  It represents the Rule of Man versus the Rule of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Limping between the two has never been an option. 

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