Monday, 25 February 2013


Debate With Andrew Sullivan

Shameless Appeals
Written by Douglas Wilson
Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Here is a notice from our college ministry, CRF.

Christ Church's college ministry, Collegiate Reformed Fellowship, is sponsoring a debate February 27th 7:30pm at the Univeristy of Idaho between Pastor Wilson and Author/Journalist Andrew Sullivan. The question to be debated will be: "Is civil marriage for gay couples good for society?" Notable UK Author, Peter Hitchens, will be moderating the debate. Below are a couple links for further information:

1) Trailer
2) Facebook events page for ongoing updates

We believe the issues surrounding sexuality are the central cultural issues of our time. This includes abortion, homosexuality, adultery, and the like. This is why we are eager to engage in debate as we have opportunity. So please be praying for this debate. Pray that God would use this debate locally at University of Idaho and pray that God would use this debate nationwide to encourage churches in a deeper understanding of the relevance of our faith. Thanks.

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