Wednesday 23 December 2009

Oh, This Hurts

Ugly Nakedness Exposed
Warning: Do Not Read If you Do Not Like Displays of Ugly Nudity

You have to have a bit of sympathy for our floundering Prime Minister. He goes off to Copenhagen having been "persuaded" by his Ministers, Smith and Groser that a meaningful and substantial global climate agreement was possible. Now that it emerges that nothing meaningful was done at that monumental farce, our Prime Minister has resorted to blameshifting. According to the Herald, Key has taken to blaming a flawed UN climate change agreement process.
There is a lesson to come out of Copenhagen and that is that trying to build uniform consensus across 193 countries on such a complex issue is not going to work. It is not the right process.
Excuse me. The process which now is apparently so fatally flawed was well known at the outset--in fact months and months and months ago. How come you have only worked out now that it would never work and was doomed to failure? What planet have you been inhabiting? But, never mind. Our Energizer Bunny Prime Minister has had time to reflect and he thinks actually a deal could be done in Mexico in 2010. But, we need, he says, to get rid of the influence of small countries. They have been allowed too much say.

Which countries, you may well ask? Ah, well, unimportant third world countries. You know. Bolivia. Sudan. When it comes to "solving" climate change these minnows are irrelevant. Mmmmm. Clearly no prospects of a Free Trade Agreement with them, then.

Mr Tips, at NZ Conservative, puts the slurs of our Prime Minister in perspective:
Well, the Bolivians and Sudanese are going to love that quote. But hang on, that must mean they are smaller than us? Well, actually no. Bolivia*- 9 million people and sitting on one of the largest natural gas reserves in South America and get this - 50-70% of the world's lithium. Kind of important in making electric cars? batteries? Sure its a basket case now economically but with a bit of help...ahh now hang on, can't have those South Americans getting rich now can we?

Sudan*, ahm... by area, its the largest country in the African and Arab world? 42 million people, full of natural resources (including human cannon fodder for its recent civil wars), and apparently one of the fastest growing economies. Ah...again, can't have those Africans getting their agriculture industry well developed and oil exports up so that they can control their internal political struggles. A divided or ignored Sudan is good for the West right?
Oh, but hold on. If these "small" countries are irrelevant to the problem of climate change, why have you imposed a draconian, distortive, corruptible Carbon Emissions tax upon every citizen, child, grandchild, and the yet unborn in this country. You have afflicted, not just a small country, but a minute one--our own? Remember you told us that it was important that we be seen to pull our global weight. What an absolute joke. But countries far more significant and larger than ours, you airily dismiss as irrelevant to the issue, being too small. In fact, any more of this, and the Hollywood casting agents will be approaching our Energizer Bunny PM to replace Heath Ledger in the next Batman movie. From Prime Minister, to David Letterman stoolie, to the Joker. What a career! How apt. You have made us proud, Prime Minister.

Even the floosie wanna-be global statesman, Kevin Rudd has played this far, far smarter than you. Australia will do as much or as little as the rest of the world does, is his mantra. Hard to criticise really--and a very easy defence for Australia's trade, don't you think. But us--well, we are so righteous and significant that we need to flagellate ourselves to save our trade.
But we could even tolerate the embarrassment were it not for the actual and real damage he has done to every one of us.

One cannot help thinking that Mr Key has sadly overreached himself and us. He has wanted to play big and foot it on the world stage. He went to go swimming with the big boys. But now the tide has gone out on "climate change" he has been exposed as swimming naked. Not a pretty sight.

No wonder he is angry at the process. But the complaining, "It's not fair" is a bit unbecoming on the lips of a Prime Minister who has done such substantial damage to our economy with his reckless ETS and who has doubled the size and slope of the mountain of difficulty we now have to climb in order to preserve, let alone increase, our standard of living.

Good one, John. When that Hollywood casting agent calls, don't hang up. You would be perfect for that role.

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