Wednesday 17 September 2008

We've Been Here Before

Ancient Human Detritus Found in Melting Glaciers

As global temperatures fall, ice continues to melt in the northern hemisphere. At least one reputable scientific study has estimated that this in part is due to the greater intensity of the sun's effects arising from substantially clearer, less-polluted atmosphere in Europe.

Be that as it may, melting glaciers in the European Alps have led to some exciting discoveries. It turns out that human remains have been discovered in the ice—indicating the former human habitation of areas which have been until recently inhabitable because of the freezing conditions. These remains are estimated to be dated at 3,000BC. An arrow quiver, made of birch bark, has been discovered, along with a bow and arrows.

Surprisingly, a lot of additional organic matter has been discovered also, including leather, parts of shoes and a trouser leg. From later periods, a bronze age pin has been discovered, as well as Roman coins and a fibula—items dating from the early Middle Ages. These have been found in places where human beings have just not been able to go within living memory without special equipment and, then, only temporarily.

In addition, researchers in Canada's Yukon region have found evidence of farming and domesticated animals at high altitudes in areas usually covered in snow and ice.

The emergence of these relics from out of the melting ice are being used by climate change protagonists as “proof” of global warming. Unfortunately, the proof is too much. What it demonstrates beyond any doubt is that there have been periods in the past when the earth was considerably warmer than levels reached at the end of last century.

Consternation has been expressed recently about the opening up of the North West Passages due to melting ice in the Arctic region. What is conveniently forgotten is that the Northern passages were first navigated by Amundsen in 1903-6!

Without doubt, much warmer temperatures in the past cannot have been caused by man-made “greenhouse gases”. This incontrovertible evidence alone has to cast a pall of deep scepticism over modern global warming theories. So much so, that anyone who is not deeply sceptical of anthropogenic global warming theories is either ignorant of the past, or has chosen to blind themselves to the historical evidence.

Ignorance or blind prejudice are not appropriate foundations on which to build a monumental edifice of climate “mitigation” policies funded by economy-vitiating taxes.

The abject foolishness and superstition of Unbelief never cease to amaze us.

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