Thursday 25 September 2008


If Good Men Do Nothing

The alacrity and resolution of the FBI in tracking down the person who hacked into Sarah Palin's e-mail account (which is a federal offense in the US) must seem remarkable to all New Zealanders. So efficient, so quick, so decisive.

We are left comparing the slowness, turpitude, and uninterested desultory activities of the NZ Police Force in conducting its investigation into the theft of Don Brash's e-mails. Maybe the parliamentary computer system was far more complex. Maybe it was a much much more sophisticated operational theft. But still one suspects a complete lack of vigour, resolution, commitment and drive on the part of the NZ Police to be the real cause. Why might this be?

Contrast this with the vigour of their prosecution of Shane Adern for driving his tractor up the steps of Parliament Building during a protest on behalf of his constituents. Then contemplate the completely disgraceful poodle-like behaviour of the Commissioner of Police, one Howard Broad, dutifully distracting Parliament during an important Question Time recently when the government was under attack, with a completely disingenuous request to gauge the advice of Parliament over his decision to introduce Tasers.

The Labour Party has used many times the tactic of trying to run interference when it is under pressure. It may be leaked stories to the media. It may be creating a breathless announcement of something ostensibly important just as some major damaging report is coming forth. It may be the manipulation of Parliament. It has done it many times. But to use the NZ Police for these tawdry political purposes is unheard of.

It underscores just how much the NZ Police have corrupted themselves to become an extension of the partisan political machinations of the Labour Government. This is a sinister development in our country.

We hear the term “politicisation” a lot in these times. It has become a term of opprobrium, but few really stop to think what it represents. What it represents is subversive activity by the government of the day against the people of New Zealand. It indicates that the government of the day—in this case Helen Clark—using and manipulating the organs and powers of the State for one's own political ends. It is an egregious abuse of power.

In the previous century we saw the most terrible regimes
emerge. What they all had in common was a more-or-less complete subjugation of the powers of the state to the ruling political party or group. When the organs and institutions of government become the extension of a political party's power, tyranny follows in the wake.

In New Zealand it is the police force which has been captured and controlled by the current Prime Minister. This is a sinister development indeed.

It is not without significance that the President of the New Zealand Police Association (a union representing sworn police officers), the day after the Police Commissioner toadied to his political masters with his fake parliamentary question, fulminated publicly stating that the Commissioner's action constituted positive public proof of the politicisation of the NZ Police Force.

How shameful for the NZ Police. How threatening for the country. How disgraceful for the Government.

We at Contra Celsum call upon the NZ Police Association to do their duty on behalf of all true sworn police officers and go public, exposing the corrupt capture of senior police management to their political masters. Such subversive activity must not be allowed to continue.

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