Tuesday 9 September 2008

August Global Temperature Stats

It's Not Working

We just know that mankind will be able to dine out for a few years yet on the nonsense that has been spluttered by Al Gore and his cheerleaders. Al has grandiosely asserted that climate change must become the "central organising principle for civilisation." Wow, that sounds serious, Al. Tell you what, take another downer, go back into the corner and put your thumb back in your mouth. Obviously you were never breast fed as a baby.

Meanwhile, some of Al's team have come up with an action manifesto to help the new incoming US administration take the lead in combating climate change. One problem--it has absolutely nothing to do with science any more. But no doubt they will in due time invite the Honourable Helen Clark over to give them all a pep talk. We can just see Helen now speechifying to a joint session of the House and Senate, lecturing the US on how to create pretty much instant poverty and untold human suffering by something called an Emissions Trading Scheme. "We in New Zealand know how to do it right. We are not namby pambies. We really know how to inflict poverty upon people. Don't anyone dare question my integrity."

But, sadly, for our modern prophets, the data just stubbornly refuse to dance to their dervishes. The August 2008 satellite global temperature data have just been published by the University of Alabama.

UAH (University of Alabama, Huntsville) Microwave Sounder Unit (MSU) lower troposphere global temperature anomaly data for August 2008 was published today and has moved a bit below the zero anomaly line, with a value of -0.010°C, down from 0.048°C in July 2008

The global UAH ∆T from July to August 2008 was .049°C and is 0.287°C cooler than in August 2007. It becomes the fourth time the UAH data has dipped below the zero anomaly line in 2008

2008 1 -0.046
2008 2 0.020
2008 3 0.094
2008 4 0.015
2008 5 -0.180
2008 6 -0.114
2008 7 0.048
2008 8 -0.010
Now, let's be clear. The zero anomaly line is the average respective monthly temperature taken from 1979 to 1999 (that is, a twenty year period.) Note that this period spans both cold and hot periods. Four times this year so far (August included), the monthly data were below the zero anomaly--that is, it was unusually cold. Note also the quantum of the deviation in May and June.

To the stubborn credulites who continue to insist that human carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming we challenge you to face up to what truly is becoming a very Inconvenient Truth for your position. How long will you hold your heads ostrich like in the sand? How many months or years of data do you think you need before you will acknowledge that the world has stopped warming; it is now cooling?

We have now had over ten years of hard data indicating that global temperatures are not rising, as you strenuously insist they are. How many years do you need to shame you into acknowledgement? Twenty years? Thirty years? Or, never?

Well, the gorgeous irony in all of this is that AGW protagonists and propagandists seek to explain away these hard data anomalies by saying that we are just seeing ten years of temporary, cyclical, climatic effects. It is not to be taken seriously. Well hold on just a darn minute. If a ten year cooling earth is simply a temporary cyclical climatic effect, why not the warming seen in the twenty years before that? Why was that not also a mere temporary, cyclical, climatic effect?

Ah, well, we have these theories and predictive computer models, you see. Precisely. False prophets all. Your cant and bias and self-serving, circular reasoning is utterly unbecoming.

Meanwhile, once again, we link through to a graph of the latest and longer term data, courtesy of the University of Alabama.

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