Thursday 10 April 2008

The S-Files

S-Award given to Poneke for exemplary Fourth Estate work exposing a supine BBC reporter.

Contra Celsum has given an S-Award to Poneke, to a professional Wellington based reporter who has exposed the standover tactics used by environmental activists against supine reporters who dare to report anything contrary to the official “truth”.


Contra Celsum is delighted to give an S-Award to Poneke, professional Wellington based reporter and publisher of Poneke's Weblog. Poneke has exposed:

1. The level of activist organisation amongst environmental groups to ensure that only stories supporting the official state propaganda with respect to climate change appear in main stream media outlets

2. The intimidation and standover tactics employed by an environmental activist to “force” a BBC reporter to capitulate and change a story.

3. The barrage of hostile traffic received in his own weblog attacking his coverage of the story and the expose.

4. The e-mail trail that exposes the environmentalist religious mania coursing through the veins of the body politic.
BBC journalist Roger Harrabin first published a story last week based on a statement from the General Secretary of the World Meterological Organisation, who confirmed that according to measurement and observation, global warming has not taken place for the past ten years. This statement is consistent with an increasing number of evidences based on actual measurements showing that global warming appears to have peaked, with the highest point being reached in 1998.

Later, Roger Harrabin changed the story. Poneke queried Harrabin as to whether he had been pressured to change. He denied any pressure. Then, subsequently an e-mail interchange between Harrabin and a UK environmental activist came to light in which Harrabin was challenged, but twice refused to change the story.

The e-mail interchange, subsequently published by the activist, demonstrates conclusively that in fact Harrabin was pressured, and that he did change his story as a result of that pressure. Harrabin lied to Poneke—but we can understand why. The true account shows him up to be a coward and a disgrace to his profession.

The activist, meanwhile, has celebrated it as a victory in the war. Despite in the earlier e-mail exchanges Harrabin refusing to change his story twice, when the activist began threatening to undermine his career along the lines of “we know how to deal with little creeps like you” Harrabin changed the story significantly. The new version leads readers away from the idea that global warming is not happening.

In one chilling note, the activist argues that we are dealing with an “emerging truth” with respect to Global Warming, and that gainsayers are stopping that truth emerging, and so must be silenced. The reporter apparently had a higher duty to mankind to ensure that the views of the gainsayers were not dignified by being given the light of day. For “emerging truth” read “selective suppression of the facts so that only one 'truth' emerges.” But he who trafficks in half truths is a liar.

You can read about the whole tawdry affair, together with corroborating sources, on Poneke's Weblog.

Large parts of the Fourth Estate are a shame to a vitally imporant profession. No doubt Harrabin's career is now finished or at least deeply compromised—as it should be. But our own local reporter, Poneke, demonstrates that there are exemplary instances of the Fourth Estate continuing to do their jobs, and do it with professional integrity.

Poneke: S-Award, Class I for actions in the course of duty that are Smart, Sound, and Salutary.

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