Tuesday 29 January 2019

She goes . . . she goes . . . she goes. She just went.

Extremist Politician Declares War on the US

It is well known historically that when countries go to war they both require and demand special draconian and authoritarian powers.  Emergencies require urgent action.  Normal democratic service no longer applies--at least until the vital threat passes.

Everyone generally understands this and submits to it.  Take the draft, as an example.  It is commonplace in modern history for the state to interdict in the lives of citizens and draft them into the armed forces (whether they want to go or not).  The urgent defence of the nation requires it.

This motif now dominates contemporary (usually left-wing) political rhetoric.  It is used by such venal politicians who want emergency powers.  And why "emergency" we hear you ask.  Because, unless the "threats" can be painted with an urgent brush, there is no chance of overriding the law, and making special powers normal.  Always, always it exposes the offending politician or political party in the dull hues of ignorance.  Failing to make their case, they just  demand power because the alleged threat is sooooo huge.

Let us introduce you to the latest example--extreme Socialist, Ocasio-Cortez, who is a card carrying, highly honoured member of the Democratic Party in the United States.  Here is her claim:
'Like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change'.  Only twelve years to go, folks.  The world is going to end, mark my words.  To remove the threat we need powers like you have never seen before.

"And like," she continued, "this is the war, this is our World War II. And I think for younger people, we're looking at this and we're like 'how how are we saying, let's take it easy when 3,000 people died last year?'"

"How are we saying let's take it easy when the nth person has just died from our cruel and unjust criminal justice system?" Ocasio-Cortez asked. "How are we saying take it easy when the America that we're living in today is so dystopian with people sleeping in their cars so that they can work a second job without health care."  [The Blaze]
Give us power.  Give us the gun.  We will put things right. We are all looking forward to the Ocasio-Cortez Emergency Powers Bill being introduced into the US Congress any day now.  Oh, but the war is right now.  People are dying right now.  Putting legislation through Congress and making it subject to the Supreme Court--that will  take time.  Too much time.  This is an EMERGENCY.  Let's take up the gun now!

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