Wednesday 24 February 2016

The Truth Will Out

Child Abuse Has Becomes A Compelling Necessity

There is a logic in Unbelief which "will out".  Christian philosophers and theologians have referred to it as moving towards epistemological self-consciousness.  Epistemology is that branch of  philosophy which considers not just what we know, but how we know.  Self-conscious epistemology is achieved when the knower reworks all his beliefs and knowledge according to his favorite theory of knowledge.  This process of working towards epistemological self-consciousness can take generations, but the process itself is irrevocable.

Not that everyone willingly goes along for the ride.  Take the resident world-view of materialistic evolutionism.  This peculiar world-view has implications for knowledge, truth, and beliefs--the main one being that all knowledge is ultimately without meaning or certainty.  It is not just that all knowledge is relative; it is that knowledge and knowing is changing, adapting, and morphing into an unknown.

For generations, willing adopters of evolutionism celebrated this world-view because it liberated man from God and ostensibly made mankind the top dog.  It facilitated human pride in implying that the current generation was the biggest, brightest, and best of all.  But the more self-conscious men became about evolution, the more the radical relativism of this worldview began to impinge.
 The "latest" may well be the worst, the most destructive, the most nihilistic--for survival was not guaranteed.  Man may well "develop" to nihilistic destruction.  In the end humanity had no ultimate significance, no meaning, no True truth.

Finally, evolutionism stands astride a yawning gulf--what Christian epistemologists have called the rational-irrational dichotomy.  Meaning is swallowed up in meaninglessness.  Truth is swallowed up in truthlessness.  The rest of the watching world is left on the sidelines, keening "That is not what we meant at all."  It may well not be what Unbelief meant when it started out, but it is being driven there nonetheless.  Epistemological self-consciousness makes it so.

Here is one little cluster-bomb of evolutionist epistemological self-consciousness:

The headmistress of an exclusive girls’ school in England has urged that children are raised in a “gender neutral” way, going so far as to suggest that boys could have “girlie makeup” and girls could wear “fireman’s outfit[s]”.  Jo Heywood, who is headmistress at the Heathfield boarding school in Ascot, made the comments to the Sunday Times, insisting: “Girls and boys should be allowed to explore roles traditionally associated with the opposite sex.”

But the news may come as a shock to parents who over £11,000 a term to send their children to Heathfield, knowing that transgender people face very high suicide rates.  But Ms. Heywood is adamant: “If a little boy wants to explore wearing a princess dress and a little girl wants to spend time in a fireman’s outfit, then that is to be encouraged . . . Have girlie make-up, but let boys have it too.” . . . .

According to the Times, a survey of more than 2,000 mothers for parenting website showed that two out of five parents under 30 would raise children in a gender-neutral manner. The site has a dedicated section to teach mothers how to raise kids in this way. Their intervention comes as it was revealed that pop singer Adele dresses her son as a Disney princess, which some might argue is child abuse.  [Breitbart News]
Headmistress, Jo Heywood is an epistemologically self-conscious evolutionist.  And, yes, she is a promoter of, and propagandist for, the abuse of children.  But when God is believed to  be dead, and the universe is "ruled" by stochastic randomness, anything and everything is not just possible, it must be reified.  All rules, laws, conventions, truths and principles must be broken down.  Except this one.

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