Friday, 18 January 2013

Abandoning Reason

We Have But One Choice

Abortion is murder.  It is the most heinous crime of the post-modern, Western world.  More than any other issue, it marks the death and destruction of secular humanism.  It represents the clash between two Lords--one genuinely so, the other a usurping wannabe.  On the one side is the Lord Jesus Christ, sovereign of the whole earth, risen from the dead, ascended to heaven, and enthroned by the Living God as King of the earth.  On the other side is Man, self-appointed, self-enthroned, pathetic in usurpation. 

The time for humanist Man to claim lordship and sovereignty over the earth and all that is in it has long since passed.  Four successive humanist empires in the ancient world came and went: Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman.  In Nebuchadnezzar's dream (in Daniel 2) these four successive empires were represented by one giant statue of Man.  Then, in the time of the fourth empire (the Roman), God cut a stone which smashed the empire of Man into pieces.
  Thereafter the stone, cut by God, grew and filled all the earth (Daniel 2: 44)  We are told that the stone represented God's Kingdom being set up in the earth. 

The erstwhile humanist kingdom of our modern world is a throwback to the ancient world.  But its time has passed; thus, the secular West will never achieve dominion, nor domination.  Its time was declared over long, long ago. 

But the myth of Western domination is clung to bitterly by Unbelief in our day.  Christians shake their heads at the tomfoolery on display.  Not empire can lift up its hands against the Lord's enthroned, Anointed One and prosper.  Many have tried.  All have failed.  The secular West will be no exception. 

The clash between these two kingdoms and two Lords takes place on many fronts, but the difference between the two kingdoms is no more marked, no more vividly on display in the battle over abortion.  The Kingdom of Man appears utterly weak, self-contradictory, internally conflicted and pathetic.  It cannot mount a coherent argument justifying its evil, yet its killing fields are watered every day with fresh blood, crying out to the Lord for vengeance.  Their cry is heard. 

The vacuity of the abortionist case is everywhere apparent.  The organs of media and secularist propaganda are silent on the process and practice.  On the one hand, it is touted as one of the great freedom rights of the Modern World--a woman's right to choose--yet descriptions of  the actual practice of abortion are hushed and kept hidden.   It remains a shameful, evil thing so much so that the conscience of the common man will not be silent: there is a general unease about the abortion which keeps pushing it into the backrooms of society. 

Every limitation upon the practice--in the attempt to make it more decent and acceptable--is immediately both artificial and contrived.  To be sure, we are thankful for every outcome where the practice ends up being constrained to some extent.  But at the level of principle, argument, justification and warrant every legal constraint on abortion is immediately spurious.  Take, for example, restrictions upon abortion tied to the term of a pregnancy: why on earth should abortion be legal in the first trimester, but not the third?  What ethical or moral principle could possibly be invoked justifying such artificial distinctions? 

The moral, religious, ethical, and legal debates over abortion always come down to two issues, and two issues only: what constitutes a human being in distinction from other forms of life, and, secondly, who has the authority, wisdom, and power to answer that question?  To the second question there are only two options: either Man declares, or God does.  Both have done so. 

In the West, Man has rebelled and usurped the declaration of God, supplanting his own idiocy--riddled with inconsistency and contradictions.  At one moment it is the "woman's right" to determine such things; at the next  instance, it is society's right to restrict and declare and rule.  For example, take the recent issue of sex-selection abortions.  Western society condemns using abortion for sex selection of babies--the practice of aborting baby girls because a male child is preferred--yet at the same time Western society declares that the thing in the womb is not a human being.  Go figure.  Actually, it is so self-contradictory, figuring is impossible.  The West is mad.  When such madness, such darkness descends upon a culture, God is already judging us. 

There is but one choice left: the West must become as it once was--a repentant people, bowing before the Lord of all the earth, seeking His mercy, and vowing fidelity to Him.  His yoke is easy; His burden is light.  His realm redounds with grace and truth and vivacity.  If we return, the killing fields will be banished forever.

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