Monday 23 January 2012

Great Work We'd Rather Not Have

 Unpaid Government Agents

Zen Tiger has written an important piece on the increasing trend to make businesses an administrative and enforcement arm of government.

The current stoush is over controlling the Internet.  In the latest piece of legislative coruscation, the US Congress has been considering bills which would appear to make all internet businesses legally responsible if they do not take positive action to shut an offender down and out.

A wartime moral equivalent would be that if a village did not rush to dob in a resistance fighter, the entire town would be wiped out.  Au contraire.  Any government which contemplates such moral and legal monstrosities should be shown the door.  Immediately.  By democratic means, of course.

Unfortunately, as Zen points out, the principle is now accepted, and is expanding.  It's an inevitable result of Big Government.  All the citizenry, in the end, becomes unpaid workers for the Big Guy, Sharkey.  Or else.

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