Osama Bin Laden has passed from the sight of mortal men. He will need now to plead his case before the Judge of the heavens and the earth. 

We are not among those who believe this man to be uniquely evil, as if we all do not share in his evil, sin, and guilt. He could no doubt be cast as a sincere man who, given his principles and precepts, laid down his life for what he believed to be true and right. Sadly, many will mourn his passing as a hero.
Bin Laden, like all of us, was and is a sinful, wicked rebel against the Living God. Throughout his life he disbelieved the Son of God; therefore, the wrath of God abides upon him (John 3:36). But there are degrees of punishment in Hell. We believe the blood of the people he murdered will continue to cry out from the ground and will be heard by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Judge of all the earth.
At another level, when we consider Bin Laden, we find ourself intoning, "There, but for the grace of my Lord, go I."
And so we ought not to celebrate his murder, so called justice in the West. Justice is God's to bring. What Osama and his followers did was inexcusable but what has been done to him is no different. Yet none of it unforgivable and here is the sobering thought that we don't condemn ourselves through the temptation to 'justifiably' condemn the actions of others. Who are we to judge?
Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? God does not rejoice in the death of the wicked so neither sould we, but heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents and so should we. We were all murderers by our hate towards one another and yet we are forgiven by the grace and mercy of God. Did not God conclude that we ALL were under sin? All sins may be forgiven by God until death and if this man had humbled himself under the One True God and revoked his ways would have been a great boon. The repentant theif on his "death bed" repented and s now in heaven and if this man did the same thing we also will see him there. That this man has died leaves me with no hope but that One Man died for all men does! Should we revel that one soul is in hell or that One Man is in heaven with thousands of His Saints? Should we revel in the bloodshed of the wicked or the shed Blood of Christ the Lord? Should we rejoice that one wicked man has died or that One Perfect Man has risen from the dead offering complete salvation from sin? Should we enoble a man who died in the cause of Allah giving power to fear or should Christ Jesus be praised for freely giving His life to save all mankind and rose again to give power to the gospel of peace? As for me I am still merely a sinner saved by God's wonderful grace in whom He is still working to show how desperately wicked my heart is and how loving,forgiving and merciful He is to me.
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