Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Douglas Wilson's Letter From America

Huh, Sez I 

Culture and Politics - Politics
Written by Douglas Wilson
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Here in Latah County, a fine Christian gentleman named Gresham Bouma is running for the Idaho State Senate. The previous occupant of that seat was a RINO (Republican in Name Only), one whom Gesham bumped off in the primary. Now generally we are kind of a blue dot region in red state Idaho, and so our official representatives in the Idaho legislature are generally libs and RINOs. We send them down to Boise so that they can know what it is like to feel lonely, seated there among all those cattlemen legislators.

That means that ordinarily a guy like Gresham, who is not mathematically challenged, and therefore knows that you can't spend money you don't have on things you don't need, is unelectable here. We are a highly educated university community, and therefore we tend to elect people who can't count. But this year . . .

If ever there was a year when this district could conceivably elect a guy like Gresham, it is this year. I mean, all over the country, voters have looked at what the gummint has been doing, gotten out their calculators, and discovered that a trillion dollars doesn't even fit in the number display bar, unless maybe you hold your iPhone sideways. So if ever there was a year that a guy like Gresham could make it here, it is now.

Apparently some of the local liberal fauna agree with this assessment because they have mailed out a totally gratuitous attack on him. I mean, why would they do this if they weren't worried that he might actually win the election? Huh, sez I.

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