Wednesday 28 October 2009

Doug Wilson's Letter From America

Swimming to Hawaii

Pastor Douglas Wilson

The current health care debate fiasco illustrates why nothing whatever can be done about America's death spiral apart from a profound reformation of doctrine, life and morals. And that will not happen unless a whole lot of preachers are moved by the Holy Spirit to start preaching differently than they currently do.

I have said before that free markets cannot be sustained except by free men, and men cannot be free unless Jesus sets them free. If they are enslaved to their lusts, then they will be easy prey for liars and well-placed buffoons. And because the establishment is currently run by liars and well-placed buffoons, the people will continue to be snookered by the power-hungry left unless and until they are set free from the lusts which make them want to believe liars. The liars, incidentally, have their hands on the helms of both major political parties -- and a bunch of the little ones too.

For instance. The unfunded obligations of Medicare and Medicaid are about 50 trillion dollars, give or take 5 dollars or so. The economic liars who are pushing Obamacare want you to believe their lie that the future will not go the way the past has gone, and that government mismanagement of programs like these, and Social Security, are no indicator of future performance. Things will be lots better this time around. Having floundered and almost drowned in the kiddie pool, we are now going to swim to Hawaii. If you predict unfortunate results, this is no doubt the result of you being full of spite and malice. For humanity.

But the establishment liars who are opposing Obamacare are doing so through the clever means of telling the elderly that their Medicare and Medicaid benefits will be cut under the plan, which is true, but which is also beside the point. It is hardly a mark of national repentance when you tell people to not believe falsehoods about the future by whipping them up to an ever-increasing, tenacious clinging to falsehoods from the past.

The American people have already swallowed a couple pints of poison. Obama now wants us to swallow a fifty gallon drum of it. It is hardly an appropriate response to say that you intend to fight for your right to keep your pints of poison. "Stay away from my Medicare . . . you, you . . . socialist!"

Our system is busted. Broke. Bankrupt. The checks that our representatives have authorized and signed don't have any money behind them, but they have not yet bounced. We are in that floaty, in-between time, after the check was written and before the angry creditor finds out what was done to him.

The problems we face cannot be addressed except by honest and courageous men. Where are we going to get them?

Posted by Douglas Wilson in Blog and Mablog- 27th October, 2009

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