We knew this was coming. When a culture turns away from the Living God it ends up seeing demons everywhere. It becomes fear-riven. Superstitions and phobias begin to abound.
Now there is a deep logic in this. When a culture spurns the Lord, it is left with the dominion of demons; it is face to face with a cruel, malicious, and hostile world. Bad things happen. The world becomes a scary place. Every piece of technology, every engineering advance is feared as a threat, liable to harm and damage humans.
The latest? Wind turbines. It turns out those things are damaging and harmful to human beings--taking their place alongside cancer causing cellphones and high tension wires, fossil fuels, nuclear energy, etc. A new syndrome has been discovered, as reported in the Independent.
Living too close to wind turbines can cause heart disease, tinnitus, vertigo, panic attacks, migraines and sleep deprivation, according to groundbreaking research to be published later this year by an American doctor.Wind turbines--hitherto promoted as the great white hope to manumit our from slavery to carbon--now (apparently) attack and damage human beings. The list of afflictions is sobering indeed:
Dr Nina Pierpont, a leading New York paediatrician, has been studying the symptoms displayed by people living near wind turbines in the US, the UK, Italy, Ireland and Canada for more than five years. Her findings have led her to confirm what she has identified as a new health risk, wind turbine syndrome (WTS).
They cause problems ranging from internal pulsation, quivering, nervousness, fear, a compulsion to flee, chest tightness and tachycardia – increased heart rate. Turbine noise can also trigger nightmares and other disorders in children as well as harm cognitive development in the young, she claims.We would suggest that all of these afflictions are of the heart, phobias--which have actual physiological consequences. When you hate the Lord, demons can end up stalking the mind.
We just know how this is going to play out. There will be dark mutterings about all the vested interests who will be portrayed as lining their pockets from wind turbines. Governments will be seen as colluding with big business. Supporters of wind turbines will be accused of funding biased "research" to mask the dangers. So, Dr Piedmont:
There is no doubt that my clinical research shows that the infrasonic to ultrasonic noise and vibrations emitted by wind turbines cause the symptoms which I am calling wind turbine syndrome. There are about 12 different health problems associated with WTS and these range from tachycardia, sleep disturbance, headaches, tinnitus, nausea, visual blurring, panic attacks with sensations of internal quivering to more general irritability.
The wind industry will try to discredit me and disparage me, but I can cope with that. This is not unlike the tobacco industry dismissing health issues from smoking.
We look forward to seeing Greenpeace anarchists chained to wind turbines, protesting their damaging deprivations of the human race. We confidently expect that Sue Kedgley will be calling for a bans on wind turbines within twelve months (after Copenhagen, of course). The construction and commissioning of wind turbines will be cocooned rapidly in rules, regulations, and stipulations that will cause the cost of constructing and maintaining the archaic things to sky rocket, making their already marginal economic value permanently negative.
Nah. Too extreme, we hear you say. Really.
Campaigners have consistently argued that much research hitherto has been based on written complaints to environmental health officers and manufacturers, not on science-based research. But in Denmark, Germany and France, governments are moving towards building new wind farms off-shore because of concern over the potential health and environmental risks. In the UK there are no such controls, and a growing number of lobbyists, noise experts and government officials are also beginning to query the statutory noise levels being given to councils when deciding on planning applications from wind farm manufacturers. Lobbyists claim a new method of measuring is needed.The wind turbines are coming to a place near you. They will turn out to be the Daleks of our age. They will be a perpetual reminder, memorial stones, of the demonic powers which haunt the mind of the Unbelieving world.
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