Monday 10 October 2016

Douglas Wilson's Letter From Moscow

Trump Tape

Douglas Wilson

I will have more to say about this, probably Monday, but I did want to take a moment to tell everyone something important. With the release of this TackyTrumpTape, we all ought to sit down, compose ourselves, and on the count of three, put on our surprised face.

What about this did anyone find surprising? What about this did all the Republicans who endorsed Trump find to be unexpected? And if they found it unexpected, why should we trust any of their political calculations ever again?

And who finds it disconcerting that the banner of “respect for women” will be carried at the debate tomorrow by Hillary “the Enabler” Clinton? As my son just tweeted, either way we go, degradation of women is coming to the White House. And degradation of women will come to the White House because, in just a few weeks, we the people are all going to make it happen.

FDR once glibbed, “We owe it to ourselves!” We can top that — “We did it to ourselves.”

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