Wednesday 6 April 2016

The West's Guilt Complex

Brother Luuuuve At Work

It is not an exaggeration to assert that the West is living in denial with respect to Islam.  Our leaders stock-in-trade is to see Islam through the rose-tinted glasses of a weird universalistic humanitarianism.  This cluster of beliefs deserves months on the psychiatrist's couch.  Yet almost all Western politicians are afflicted with it.  The elites are afflicted with it.  The media is afflicted with it.

The base doctrines of this ideology are pretty simple.

First, all men are born free but are everywhere in chains.
Second, all men are born morally pure, but are everywhere corrupted.
Third, the West is guilty of enslaving and killing millions of human beings.
Fourth, evil amongst men results from their being treated badly (predominantly by the West).
Fifth, the existence of evil is intrinsically bound up with economic deprivation.
Sixth, the West's guilt will be assuaged by a universal love of all men (humanitarianism).

When applied to Islam, the thinking runs as follows:
Islam is an ideology born out of oppression and economic injustice.
Insofar as it has corrupt elements and beliefs, they have been caused by Western oppression.
Insofar as it has primitive--even violent--doctrines, they are indirectly the fault of the West.
When Islamic believers are loved by the West, they will convert to humanitarianism.

Politicians like Obama and Merkel are racked with guilt, insofar as they are Western and amongst the privileged elite.  They see themselves as part of the problem, the cause of modern human suffering.
 To redress the scales of justice they must (it is a religious compulsion) show acceptance and welcome and grace to Islamic people.  By this means, two objectives will be achieved.  The guilt of the West will be atoned for.  Secondly, Islamic people will be Westernised.

What happens, then, when Western leaders are confronted with situations like the murder of innocents in Lahore?

The first, reflexive reaction is to cover over the religion intrinsically associated with the evils.  The US State Department, for example, neglected to acknowledge that the bombing was an attack by Islamic believers upon Christian women and children.  Until, of course, the perpetrators released a statement saying their objective was to kill Christians, thereby underlining their commitment to Islam (as they understood it, of course, not as it really is, in itself).

The second reaction is to engage in the most monumental revisionist work since the Fall.  Whereas research indicates that Islam is riddled with atrocious attitudes and systemic, institutional violence, the West screens it all out.  Over seventy percent of Islamic proficients believe in Sharia Law; ninety percent support the execution of apostates.   But the West comforts itself with the candyfloss notion that such views are only held because Western exploitation has driven them to such perfidy.

The West's focus is not upon the ideology underpinning such atrocities, because its own dominant ideology has already filtered out such things as childishly irrelevant.  The key thing is that these poor, deprived, underdeveloped people have been oppressed and suppressed through Western imperialism and exploitation.   The intrinsic humanitarianism of these radicals in Pakistan has been destroyed by Western non-humane actions towards them, building up for centuries.  We are to blame.

Therefore, we must continue to isolate violent Islamic behaviour as "extremist" and "non-Islamic" and not truly part of the religion of peace.  Moreover, we in the West must turn the other cheek because we are all guilty of creating the hate within Islam in the first place.  We deserve to be beaten about the head.

Now that we in the West have all become members of the grand humanitarian church, however, our salvation and the salvation of Islamic believers lies within our own hands.  If we appease them, they will lay aside their wrath and bitterness.  If we practise our humanitarian doctrines towards them, we will convert them to the "broad church" religion of humanitarianism.  We will thereby also atone, for the West's guilt.

Humanitarianism is a false and perverse religion.  Historically, it has fuelled the pacifist movement which, in turn, has led to vacillation in the face of tyranny.  When men refuse to hold a sword because they believe they are the cause of the evil they face, resistance crumbles.  Misdirection reigns.  False causes abound.  Lies multiply.  Hate is nurtured and emboldened. The West's leaders become guilty of a gross dereliction of duty.

So it has come to pass.

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