Friday 20 November 2015

Sexual Propaganda From Libertines In Government

Oh, What a Wonderful World

A friend of a friend of a friend has just sent this through.  It promotes the latest sexual perversions-du-jour  being officially promoted by the government in New Zealand.  The official government vid came with an instruction:
Please just take 3 mins to watch the first bit of this video-aimed at year 7 & 8 students and funded by the Ministry of Social Development. Simply staggering. Imagine playing this to your students!!

The teaching episode, intended for pupils eight, nine, and ten years old, comes with a helpful glossary.  Let's take a look:

Episode Glossary

Cisgendered icon

Cisgendered (Cis)

A term used to describe a gender identity that matches an individual’s sex. So, if your birth certificate is marked ‘Female’ and when you grow up you identify as a woman, this means that you have a cisgender gender identity. Being cisgender is often thought of as having no gender identity – however that is a popular misconception – everyone has a gender identity, and no one gender identity is more natural than any other.
Gender icon


The complex interrelationship between an individual’s sex, one’s internal sense of self as man, woman, both or neither (gender identity) as well as one’s outward presentations and behaviours (gender expression) related to that perception, including their gender role. Gender is about how we feel in our head and our heart.
Gender Expression icon

Gender Expression

Refers to the ways in which people externally communicate their gender identity to others through behaviour, clothing, haircut, voice, and other forms of presentation. Gender expression should not be viewed as an indication of sexual orientation.
Sex icon


This is about our biology: our hormones, chromosomes, genitals (private parts) and how our bodies develop as we get older.
Transgender icon

Transgender (Trans)

An umbrella term encapsulating gender identities where an individual’s self identification or gender identity does not match the one associated with their assigned sex at birth. A transgender individual may identify with any gender identity (not only male or female), and may or may not have undergone gender reassignment surgery or hormonal treatment.
According to this propaganda, everyone has some kind of  "gender identity"--in fact, over the course of a lifetime some may have multiple, serially different gender identities, which is to say you make it up for yourself.  Your gender identity is separable if not completely divorced from your genes and biological make up.  Your gender identity is whatever you want it to be.  It's what you "feel in your head and heart", not what your actual genetic structure is.  This, folks, is why Facebook provides over fifty gender options (and counting) for people to publicise their self-gender-identity. 

And, oh, just in case you were wondering, all discrimination (in looks, words, deeds, social services, public amenities--such as toilets and changing rooms) in these matters is VERBOTEN.  That would represent a fundamental violation of human rights.

In reality, this kind of narcissistic propaganda is one of the more extreme forms of child abuse conjured up by perverse, fallen mankind. It is a world where ideology blatantly flies in the face of biology and other hard sciences.  It has to be one of the most perverse forms of narcissism this mad, mad, mad Western world has dreamed up.  Worse, it is now being "officially"--as in government funded, made, and promoted--prescribed for kids in government schools.  Evil progressively integrates into the void and destroys humanity.

This piece of post-modern libertinism is funded by the NZ taxpayer (in this case, the work of the Ministry of Social Development) and made available to pupils in our government schools so they can be brought under the spell of libertine propaganda.

A couple of post scripts to keep parents sane: firstly, be assured that such perverse narcissistic nonsense  only finds a welcome in government schools.  You will not find trans-genderism in the syllabus at your local Christian school-except, maybe, as a teaching illustration for senior students of the meaninglessness and madness of post-modernism.  The choice increasingly faced by parents is either to pirouette around the floor of madness at the behest and tutelage of your pagan government, or choose to follow Christ.  If you truly love and respect yourself and your family, you will choose the latter.

Secondly, let's celebrate the glory of discrimination--of discriminating between wisdom and folly, stupidity and knowledge, reason and madness.  Let's continue to make sure our children are taught such glories and wisdom. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The assigned sex at birth" comment makes me smile (sadly). Is there a civil servant somewhere doing this who every now and then gets it wrong by ticking the wrong box or something?