Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Douglas Wilson's Letter From America

The Cootie Contagion Radius 

Liturgy and Worship - Exhortation
Written by Douglas Wilson
Saturday, 02 March 2013

One of the things we have to learn as Christians is that, when it comes to appearances, we clean up real nice. But we also have to remember that this is also true of whited sepulchers. They clean up real nice also.

When new Christians join us, still reeling and recovering from all the problems they have had, they are presented with the same optical illusion presented to children who grow up among us. That illusion tells you that you “are the only sinner here.” If people knew what my thought life was like, they wouldn’t have anything to do with me. If people knew the state of my heart, they would shun me. If people knew my past, they would stay out of the cootie contagion radius.

But all of us are a piece of work.
Remember that your fellowship with God is not dependent upon whether or not other Christians treat you right. Rather, your fellowship with other Christians is dependent upon whether or not God has received you. And if God has received you, He has done so even though He knows all of your sins in exhaustive and excruciating detail. What could you tell Him about the state of your heart that would surprise Him, and make Him call your salvation deal off?

If God were to mark iniquities, no one in this room could stand. But if the Word says, as it does, that with Him is forgiveness of sins, it follows from this that everyone in this room can stand. It is true we must take our stand in the grace of God, but having done so, we may stand.

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