Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Stasi-esqueTactics at Auckland University

Freedom of Expression Threatened at Auckland University

Recently ProLife Auckland (an affiliated club for students at Auckland University) distributed a leaflet about informed consent.  The Right to Know leaflet was distributed to students in a non-confrontational and peaceable manner.

Following this, the
Auckland University Students Association (AUSA) said they received a complaint from an anonymous source and met, deciding to call a Special General Meeting at which a vote will be held to disaffiliate the ProLife Auckland student club. 

The complaint, allegedly received by the AUSA, has never been investigated and the AUSA has not initiated any form of communication with ProLife Auckland.

The issue at hand is not the content of the leaflet.  The issue at hand has do to with freedom of expression.  This is especially relevant in a university setting where all views, opinions, and ideologies ought to be discussed and evaluated sensibly and with an open mind.

AUSA is suggesting that freedom of expression ought to be limited to those views, opinions, and ideologies that they agree with.  This is not freedom of expression.

So, what can be done?

The power to disaffiliate
ProLife Auckland rests solely with the students of Auckland University and especially those who have AUSA membership (which is free to any student of Auckland University).  What this means is that at the Special General Meeting, held on 18th July, 1pm in the Quad, students will be asked to vote for or against ProLife Auckland.  Voting for ProLife Auckland means they will remain an affiliated club and freedom of expression upheld. Voting against ProLife Auckland means they will be disaffiliated and freedom of expression quashed.

Remembering that this is not just a pro-life issue, but an issue of freedom of expression, you are encouraged to get the word out, especially to students of
Auckland University.  They need to be at that meeting.  They need to vote for ProLife Auckland, and more than that, they need to vote for freedom of expression.
More information can be found here.

Further, if you are on facebook, please promote this
Special General Meeting.

This post has been provided by The Life Times

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