Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Nietzsche Has Triumphed in the West

The Essence of Modernity

To be entirely modern (which very few of us are) is to believe in nothing.

This is not to say it is to have no beliefs: the truly modern person may believe in almost anything, or even perhaps in everything, so long as all these beliefs rest securely upon a more fundamental and radical faith in nothing--or, better, in nothingness as such.

Modernity's highest ideal--its special understanding of personal autonomy--requires us to place our trust in the original absence underlying all of reality, a fertile void in which all things are possible, from which arises no impediment to our wills, and before which we may consequently choose to make of ourselves whatever we choose.  We trust, that is to say, that there is no substantial criterion by which to judge our choices that stands higher than the unquestioned good of free choice itself, and that therefore all judgment, divine no less than human, is in some sense and infringement upon our freedom.

This is our primal ideology.  In the most unadorned terms possible, the ethos of modernity is--to be perfectly precise--nihilism. 
 David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009), p. 21

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