Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Not a 'Well Turned Phrase'

. . . . I do not care whether you expect some well-turned phrases today.  It is my duty to give you due warning by citing the Scriptures.  "Do not be slow to turn to the Lord, nor delay from one day to the next, for His anger shall come when you know not." . . . I cannot be silent: I am forced to preach upon it.  Filled with fear myself, I fill you with fear.

Augustine, Sermon in Miscellanea Agostiniana, 1 (1930) 199.


ZenTiger said...

There is a fear of God in the gospel. But this is not a fear arising out of a fear of punishment. Rather it is a fear arising out of reverential awe; a fear of offending someone who loves you.


John Tertullian said...

Thanks, Zen.
One of the things I like about this quotation is Augustine's courageous determination not to tickle his hearer's ears, but to be true to his Lord. It has to be a hallmark of every true and effective preacher of the Gospel. It's ironic that he is able to decry "well-turned phrases" in such elegant language.

ZenTiger said...

Yes, you've inspired me to read some of Augustine - have never really got around to him, aside from the odd extract. And I'm still working through Aquinas! :)