Friday, 11 May 2012

Top Ten Most Read Books in the World

The graphic below summarises the most-read books in the world over the past fifty years.

The graphic is even more startling if one considers that Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings are both exemplars of Christian literature.

Hat Tip: Justin Taylor; First Things


Lucia Maria said...

I wouldn't call Harry Potter an exemplar of Christian literature as it turns symbols of good and evil on their heads. This is far more insidious and dangerous than overty anti-Christian literature.

I wrote a post on it last year with a book recommendation to Harry Potter and the Paganisation of Culture.

Lucia Maria said...

Whoops, here's the link to the post.

John Tertullian said...

Thanks for the comment/post. For a contrary view you may be interested in this piece by Jerram Barrs