Friday, 25 May 2012

Behold Our Future

Rampant Infanticide in China

The following piece has been posted on The Blaze:

Accuracy in Media‘s investigative video team put together a fascinating video discussion with Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRWF). The non-partisan, international coalition works to prevent forced abortion and human trafficking in China.

During her sit-down interview, Littlejohn discussed China’s infamous one-child policy, sterilizations, forced abortion and infanticide. While these elements are troubling, they are a part of daily life for Chinese men and women forced to live under sometimes brutal circumstances. . . .
Read the complete article, here.

When human beings turn away from the Living God, ceasing to believe He is the author and sustainer of every human life, and that He has created every human being in His image, belief in something fills the vacuum.  Nine times out to ten that "something" is the state.  See where it has led in China--to brutish, ignorant, barbaric tyranny.  Remember, however, the West is separated from China by degree, not kind.

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