Wednesday 12 May 2010

Douglas Wilson's Letter From America

An Insurrection Rather
Written by Douglas Wilson
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

For those who like to read political tea leaves, the next place to look is Arizona. I am not talking about the turmoil concerning their immigration law, but rather the primary contest between McCain and Hayworth. I have said before that I think we are in the early stages of a tax revolt, and each succeeding event makes this more evident. Now that Bob Bennett of Utah has gone down in the Republican primary, our interest naturally turns to see what is going to happen to the Republican establishment in Arizona.

One political commentator rightly said that this is not anything as modest as a purge of moderates by conservatives, but is rather an insurrection. And in order for an insurrection to do any good, it is most necessary that it start with the Republicans, many of whom have spent their time in Washington trying to figure out how to keep the folks back home from figuring out that their representatives have gone native.

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