Thursday 19 March 2020

Fading Country

Russia: A Bleak Perspective

. . . Putin's Russia is not the Soviet Union.  The Cold War really is over.  We are not in a bipolar global order, rivalled by a tyrannical Soviet empire.  Modern Russia is a fading country.  Its first-rate weaponry, armed forces, and intelligence agencies scarcely obscure its third-rate economy, declining population, pervasive societal dysfunction (high levels of drunkenness, disease, and unemployment), and lowering life expectancy.

Behind the facade of democratic elections and constitutional restraints, Russia has less a principled system of government than a marriage or rulers, oligarchs, and organized crime.  To endure, Vladimir Putin's regime must terrorize the Russian people.  [Andrew C. McCarthy, Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency, (New York: Encounter Books, 2019), p.2.]

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