Thursday 13 September 2018

Maori Youth In Our Courts

Facing Up--Or Not

It appears there are no solutions to the endless lines of Maori in our courts to be sentenced for serious crime.  Secular humanism has come to a dead end.  What on earth is to be done?  No-one knows.  No-one is prepared to speculate, let alone say.  

When the fundamental fabric of human society is torn up and thrown away, government programmes laced with billions of dollars will only exacerbate the problem--as has happened.  New Zealand's great god of the age--Secular Gummint--has failed miserably.  The tsunami of crime continues.  More hands are wrung.  More lamentations are heard.  Nothing changes.  Except for the worse.

We published an article on Maori youth yesterday, which included the following:
One of the most poignant sentencing notes I've read was by Judge Gerard Winter. A judge in Auckland for seven years, he was sentencing an 18-year-old for kidnap and aggravated robbery last year. He robbed two international students at gunpoint.

Before sentencing the man to 25 months' jail, the judge traversed the figures of Māori crime and incarceration rates included in the Waitangi Tribunal's Tū Mai te Rangi report. Judge Winter granted the youth a five-month discount to his sentence on the strength of a cultural report that covered the decades and generations that preceded the youth, and his whānau's rural-to-urban move and its impacts.  "Each and every day this court is engaged in sentencing, far too often there are young Māori offenders appearing for sentence on the very worst crime at category 3 level," the judge said. 
The Great Secular Humanist dream has turned into a nightmare.  The only thing that has changed is that now a few more people are prepared to own up to its wretched failures.  But they have no solution to offer, except more of the same.  We are approaching the layman's definition of insanity.

This is not a racial issue.
  It is not a genetic construct with which we have to deal.  It is a religious matter.  It has to do with how our nation stands before God.  We will tell you how it stands.  It stands before God clutching its "ten commandments" of secular humanism.  It stamps its foot.  It continues its mockery of the Almighty.

Compared with human history, New Zealand's present curses are not unique.  They have occurred elsewhere.  For example, here is a description of Sydney, Australia in the early 1800's:
The runaway convicts were generally concealed in the "Rocks".  They were in strict hiding during the day-time, and only showed out at night, creeping through the darkness, up and down those intricate streets, to the place of assignation for concocting some desperate deed, or then to the place of perpetration.  Almost every house of the lower orders in this district partook, at this period, more or less of the same lawless character.  It was astonishing what numbers kept illegal spirit shops; what numbers, again, of those were receivers of stolen property; and what numbers either harboured bush-rangers on their premises, or received them and purchased their plunder at night.  Many of the constables themselves were no better than the rest.  As might be expected, the police courts presented, from week to week, melancholy proof of the demoralized condition of the people.  On a Monday forenoon, scores of mean, women, and children might be seen, who had been dragged off the streets on the preceding night for drunkenness, fighting, and similar offences, standing before the magistrate to receive their sentences. . . .

In the vicinity of Sydney, and on all the principal roads leading to the interior of the colony, the most serious depredations were frequently committed by the bush-rangers.  They were generally well-mounted and armed, and travelled in bodies of from two or three to half a dozen.  Their main object being plunder, they seldom committed murder, unless resisted in their attempts at the commission of robbery.  The numerous receivers of their stolen property, in Sydney, and especially amongst the inhabitants of the "Rocks", provided them from time to time with supplies of ammunition, food, and clothing; and informed them when valuable stores  were about to leave Sydney, and by what roads; also, what gentlemen were supposed to keep money in their houses, and how they might be most easily robbed.  [Cited by Iain Murray, Australian Christian Life from 1788: An Introduction and an Anthology (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1988), p.57.  Quotation from Alexander Strachan, Remarkable Incidents in the Life of the Rev. Samuel Leigh, Missionary to the Settlers and Savages of Australia and New Zealand.]
We repeat--the depredations facing Maori youth in New Zealand today are not new, neither are they unique.  Clearly it is not a genetic matter.  Under the "wisdom" and arrogance of our ruling secular humanist paradigm, however, they are just getting worse.

When the Gospel of Jesus Christ first came to these shores there was a widespread turning of Maori chiefs and tribes away from the murder, rape, utu, cannibalism, and pillaging.  There was a striking turning of Maori from Unbelief and enmity against God to humble, open repentance.  Today, modern secularist Maori largely laugh this off as an episode of credulous gullibility amongst their forbears.  They see it as a time of temporary insanity.  Maori were "sucked in" by hypocritical missionaries that were, as Marx would insist, acting an an opiate upon Maori--making them sleepily supine so that the white man could rape and pillage to his heart's content. 

Now, modern Maori are as secular as any.  They have adopted the "values" of secularism with a vengeance.  They have laughed at the deep Christian faith of their fathers so evident after the coming of the Christian missionaries to New Zealand. "Fool us once, shame on you.  Fool us twice, shame on us."  Such is Maori's current creed.

We are all now inheriting their whirlwind.  Most Pakeha, just as secular in their the core, oscillate between lamentation and cheering.  Good luck with that, as they say.

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