Thursday 1 February 2018


Suicide Bombing Is An Attractive Option

Islam ranks as one of the heaviest works-religions in the world.  Consequently, it reduces its acolytes to a form of pervasive slavery.

It is full of duties and instructions on virtually everything.  In order to achieve salvation one is obligated to follow the live out the Five Pillars of the faith.  These are:

  • Confession of the faith
  • Prayer
  • Fasting
  • Giving alms
  • Pilgrimage to Mecca (at least once in adult life)

These are said to be obligatory duties.  There is no escaping the obligation to perform them.  On top of these there is a long list of other practices said to be necessary and expected to be done.  But they are not said to be obligatory.

There are lots of additional rules, regulations, and practices laid down, for example, as to how each of the Five Pillars are to be performed.  One has to be faithful in carrying all these out because salvation comes by doing them.  Adherents are told they will be saved only if the balance of good deeds outweighs their bad deeds.

Then those whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy--they will obtain salvation.  But those whose balance is light will be those who have lost their souls; in Hell they will abide.  [Sura 23: 102, 103]
If we take one of the obligatory Pillars, prayer, we are confronted with a host of do's and don'ts.   Prayer is to be done five times a day, at set hours.  There are rules as to what kind of clothing shall be worn whilst praying, and what has to be removed.  An extensive list of ablutions which have to  be performed is provided.  The face must be washed (from the top of the forehead to the chin and as far as each ear); hands and arms to the elbows must be washed.  Feet must be washed up to the ankles.  A further 14 minor rules are laid down for ablutions.  The prayers to be recited are laid down, as are the postures for prayer (kneeling, bowing, forehead on the floor, hands outstretched, etc.)

Every Muslim is threatened with torment in the afterlife if he or she fails to perform these obligatory duties in the way and means stipulated.  Therefore, in most cases, every one of the five daily occasions of prayer provides just cause for condemnation through lack of proper performance.

But worse, Muslims are told in the Koran that Allah himself can actively lead Muslim's astray (presumably because he does not like this one or that.
Allah will strengthen the faithful with his steadfast word, both in this life and the hereafter.  He leads the wrongdoers astray.  Allah accomplishes what he pleases.  [Sura 14: 27.]
So, a worshipper does not quite get the bodily posture and the ablutions right on one of the five times of prayer on one particular day.  Allah takes offence and determines to lead that person astray, maybe into a false sense of security over their eternal well being and the Day of Judgement.

As one scholar puts it, the potential of Allah himself leading Muslims astray because of their disobedience results in a pacifist fatalism that overshadows everything.  No Muslim believer has any absolute assurance of salvation.  In the end, it is all "as Allah wills".  He or she may die, having tried to be observant throughout their lives, only to discover that they are numbered amongst the tormented after death.  Allah has led them astray.

There are only three certain ways a Muslim has to avoid punishment, even eternal punishment, after death.  They must die in one of only three ways to be translated immediately into glory:

  • They must die on Friday.
  • They must die of a stomach ache.
  • They must die as a martyr.
Since none can be sure of dying on a Friday, or of a stomach ache (self-induced death is not permissible), the only sure and certain way of salvation and of avoiding torment after death is to become a suicide bomber and die as a martyr.  That explains a few things.

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