Friday, 9 July 2010

A Woman's Right to Kill

Unmasking The Fanatic

Every so often the truth in all its awful horror emerges into the light of day. The unlocking of the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, exposing them to a horrified world is an apt example.

Those of us within Jerusalem believe that the modern atrocity of abortion is Unbelief's awful horror. It is masked and shielded in euphemisms like "pro-choice" and "a woman's right to choose". The latter is the particular preserve of the effete liberal male in Unbelieving societies who abandons reason in favour of faux generosity toward the female abortionist. It's their body, so women have the right to decide" is the vacuous mantra.

But every now and again an abortionist woman tells the truth. Antonia Senior is just such a woman. A writer for The Times in the UK, and an abortionist, has lately pulled back the euphemistic shutters and acknowledged what everyone has always known all along--that abortion is a murderous act.
LONDON, U.K., July 6, 2010 ( - After contemplating the immense mysteries of human life and sacrificial love in comparison to a woman's "right to fertility control," a writer for the Times of London concludes that attempts by pro-aborts to dismiss the life of an unborn child are a "convenient lie" hiding the fact that, "Yes, abortion is killing.”

“But,” she concludes, “it's the lesser evil."

Columnist Antonia Senior in a June 30 column (available by subscription only) says that, despite the fact that the abortion debate hinges upon whether the unborn child is a unique life or not, women who wish to assert the cause of their freedom from male domination "must be prepared to kill for it."

She concedes that there is no way that the pretence that abortion is not murder can be allowed to continue.
Senior then launches into discussing abortion, which she says "hinges on the notion of life," no matter what other arguments or tactics are employed. "Either a foetus is a life from conception, or it is not,” she notes.

Senior then admits that: "What seems increasingly clear to me is that, in the absence of an objective definition, a foetus is a life by any subjective measure. My daughter was formed at conception, and all the barely understood alchemy that turned the happy accident of that particular sperm meeting that particular egg into my darling, personality-packed toddler took place at that moment. She is so unmistakably herself, her own person — forged in my womb, not by my mothering."

"Any other conclusion is a convenient lie that we on the pro-choice side of the debate tell ourselves to make us feel better about the action of taking a life." "That little seahorse shape floating in a willing womb is a growing miracle of life. In a resentful womb it is not a life, but a foetus — and thus killable."

This fact, she says, leaves feminism with a "problem," to which she attributes the "groundswell" of young pro-life feminists.

Then in a breathless logical leap over the tallest building she compares pro-abort women to religious martyrs. They believed so strongly in their cause that they were prepared to die for it. Applying this to the abortionist cause she argues that women's rights are so fundamental that pro-abortionists must be prepared to die for them. And if you are prepared to die for something, you must, apparently, also be prepared to kill for it.
Hence, she says, "The nearly 200,000 aborted babies in the UK each year are the lesser evil, no matter how you define life, or death, for that matter. If you are willing to die for a cause, you must be prepared to kill for it, too."

So, religious martyrs were really murderers in disguise. True, they believed so strongly they were prepared to die for their beliefs. This means they were also prepared to kill for their beliefs--presumably those who opposed or traduced their beliefs. That's what it means to be a true believer, according to Senior.

But here we have a description, not of the martyr, but the fanatic. The mask is being peeled off.

Hat Tip: Maria


ZenTiger said...

Indeed, the Christian martyr is prepared to die for their cause, not kill for it.

It's only with the rise of fundamentalist Islam that we see a martyr as some-one prepared to kill for their cause. Those people do not deserve the word martyr, and instead should be labelled "fanatic" or "terrorist".

John Tertullian said...

Zen, the link with modern Islamic martyrdom, is obvious now that you point it out, but we missed it. Thanks.
It is a powerful reminder of how fanatical Islam is subtly reshaping political and social discourse amongst Unbelievers, particularly those on the left.

Lucia Maria said...

Great post. Thanks for taking apart the martyrdom argument of the writer. Your last two paragraphs really nail it beautifully.

ZenTiger said...

I've often thought that honour killings were just another face of abortion.

The family who does not want to raise a child that was not "expected" has their honour stained and their financial well being threatened. Killing the mother to be after a rape or an affair solves the problem of the unwanted child, and ensures the "cause" of the issue is nullified.

The reasoning is monstrous and simplistic, and requires that the family disconnect from their daughter in order to act out their evil with little conscience.

Thus, I've often thought that honour killings were just another face of abortion*

*That is not to say this represents the only reasons for abortion