Saturday 23 January 2010

Douglas Wilson's Letter From America

A Brief Explanation for the Europeans
Obama Nation Building

Written by Douglas Wilson in Blog and Mablog, Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In my previous post, I noted that it appears that the Lord has delivered us from health care. Now I admit that this is a curious expression, especially for our European readers, who wonder at the strange psychology exhibited, even for an American, when someone expresses their gratitude to God for His mighty deliverance, and the foe that went down in ignominy was a "health care bill."

Ah, yes. I take your point. Health care is simply short for government-run health care, which is to say, lousy health care, and fueled by tyranny. To advocate it is therefore to say, "Yes, we know that the quality of the care will go way down, but at least we get to lie, cheat, and steal in the funding of it." Not a compelling argument, to my way of thinking.

So allow me to explain, in brief, my views on the health care proposals currently being contemplated, in case there was any ambiguity.

Universal, tax-funded health care is a vain imagination thrust at an unwilling republic by beetlewit Marxists, who think that unlimited free supplies will have no impact on demand. And the media, cheerfully windsurfing as they like to do, on the breezy gusts of the NPR zeitgeist, have failed to do the math for us. They failed to follow the logic of the late Sen. Dirkson, who said, and I paraphrase, adjusting upwards, "A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money." Those who set out to explain how this newest offering of free wealth for everybody will be so good are lying as fast as a dog can trot. Lie after lie, fallacy after fallacy, and our investigative journalists in the mainstream media just sat there like a tomato can.

The powers that be cooked up this hell brew and wanted us to drink it, and we are in the process of declining. If legislative bills were in a sartorial contest, this one would be a badly dressed leper. Obama has been like the guy at the dance who just straightened his tie, expecting the girls to do the rest. And then they didn't.

1 comment:

The Pilgrim said...

I know it's off topic, but are you aware that it's the evangelical CHURCHES that will usher in Satan's New World Order? “Evangelical churches will be the chief instrument to bring the New World Order to birth.”

Check out the evidence at