Tuesday 27 January 2009

The S-Files

Refreshingly Brazen

Contra Celsum has decided to nominate Jeremy Clarkson for an S-Award

Jeremy Clarkson is the lead host of the most profitable BBC TV show, TopGear. He is coming to New Zealand to present several shows of TopGear Live.


The modern world of effete political correctness has spawned and nurtured many sacred cows. These are so prized and honoured that to speak against them is not only offensive to polite society but is likely to result in being branded as a redneck, or a pariah, or a blasphemer.

This, in turn, has provided many opportunities for a wonderful new sport of PC sacred cow slaughter. It is so much fun that the Spanish are feeling aggrieved that their traditional sport of bull fighting is being eclipsed and is waning in popularity as punters flock to the new replacement past time of skewering PC's sacred cows.

Jeremy Clarkson is right up there in the global top ten PC baiters. Effete he is not. Global warming has provided Mr Clarkson with a wonderful commercial opportunity. His relentless baiting of polite society's mincing genuflections towards the horrors and dangers of global warming are both entertaining and hilarious. He has been right at it even prior to his arrival in “clean green NZ”.

It is an irony indeed that if the global warming hoax had not been so relentlessly spouted and so completely accepted by the PC brigade, Clarkson's show would have likely underperformed. PC splenetic outpourings have provided a foil which Clarkson has cleverly exploited, baiting and fencing with rich irony and ridicule, much to the delight of the sensible and down-to-earth. The outcome has been huge commercial success. Imagine! Global warming has made Clarkson rich. He has made money exploiting the prevailing PC stupidity.

Prior to arriving in New Zealand he said he looked forward to creating a huge carbon footprint in the country. He hoped that he and his colleagues would be able to burn a prodigious amount of fossil fuel. When asked what he thought of former Prime Minister illegally speeding in back country Canterbury roads, being clocked at 172km/hour, he blithely responded by asking, why if she were late to her next appointment was she travelling so slowly.

Sir Jonathan Porritt, apparently, according to the NZ Herald, a “distinguished environmentalist”, expressed his umbrage toward and outrage over Clarkson and what he represents. He allegedly does more harm to the environment than David Attenborough does good. "Anyone who can shut up Jeremy Clarkson deserves more honours than have already been heaped on David Attenborough," he said. (That sounds, by the way, eerily like a fatwa of the sort which Islamic leaders issue against someone they would like to see killed. But then again, if you are saving the planet, you have to be prepared to spill a bit of blood along the way)

Clarkson dismisses the environmentalists as irrelevant. He says: "I shall ignore them. Like we all should. And then they will go away"

Skewering the sacred cows of PC idolatry using the foils of mockery and sarcasm performs a wonderful social service. Like the needle lancing the boil, it helps remove poison from the body politic. Clarkson is more than an entertainer. He makes a very positive contribution. Humour is one of the best weapons to employ against those priggish self-appointed messiahs who preen, and mince, and strut; hectoring and badgering others with their vacuous, putrefying self-righteousness.

Jeremy Clarkson, Presenter of TopGear: S-Award, Class I, for performing a public service that is Smart, Sound and Salutary.

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