Saturday 6 December 2008

Has the Nanny State Retired?

The Walls Now Have Far More Than Ears

Readers of this blog will know that we utterly oppose the relentless extension of the powers and prerogatives of the modern humanist state. We believe that the modern manifestation of state government is inherently evil. It is an idolatrous false religion. It represents a flagrant rebellion against the Living God. Consequently, it will be eventually broken and cast down.

Until Athenian religion is dis-empowered and neutered, however, we believe that the Nanny State--a construct which mushroomed in power, influence, and application under the nine years of the previous government--will not disappear. It will morph into other expressions and forms. The extension of Nanny State is unlikely to stop under the new government. Let us never forget that some of the greatest messianic arrogations in state power in recent New Zealand history have occurred or were commenced under National administrations (for example, the Resource Management Act, Occupational Safety and Health administrations, and CYFS. These three clusters of state activity alone account for a prodigious explosion of state interference, regulations, and controls over virtually every part of the private lives of citizens.)

What should Jerusalem do? We are not amongst those who believe that we should man the barricades and organise politically. Such things are far too premature. The Church is too weak, too compromised, too deformed. It is far more important that we concentrate on the vital and foundational things which today are beneath the radar screen. Let us mention two obvious examples: firstly, how many churches today have teachers and pulpits which remain profoundly ignorant of the Word of God? The majority. Even amongst so-called Bible believing churches, we are facing a profound ignorance of the Bible itself. Secondly, how many Christian families struggle to find a decent Christian school to which they can send their children, let alone at a cost they can afford? The vast majority.

Yet, history would teach us that we will not have reformation, we will not see Athens metaphorically disembowelled, until we have accomplished these things. And the accomplishment of these basic things will take lifetimes. So, it is important not to get distracted, not to remove our focus from the things which really matter.

But at the same time, we must be alert to the need to do what we can to keep below the radar screen, and to run interference on Nanny State and its supporting ideologies. MandM recently commented upon, and provided a link to Kiwipolemicist, who posted a blog on the national database of blood samples of everyone--collected and centrally stored since 1969. This has been done without our knowledge or consent. Both posts provide examples of how the creative and inventive minds of Athens have already started to turn their attention to the uses which may be made of this database.

Alarmist? Well, the enormous extension of state power and interference in the lives of ordinary people in New Zealand is no fiction. It has actually occurred. Moreover, the dynamic of further radical extensions is obvious to anyone who would open their eyes. It runs like this: "we are faced with serious problems of (fill in the blank--disease, crime, child abuse, drug addiction, illiteracy, obesity, global warming, hate crimes, etc). Contrary to our best efforts, these problems are becoming worse. Therefore, we need special measures, powers, rules and regulations, to solve the problem . . ." "Yes, yes," the people chanted. "Special powers are what you need."

An apt case in point is provided by the illustrious Cindy Kiro, who, faced with the scourge of child abuse, has called for a national database of children and the repeated monitoring of all homes of all identified as being potentially at risk. This is something the government desperately wanted to do--but was hindered by issues of cost.

Now, let's push the scenario one step further: let's say that DNA research is successful in identifying gene patterns which can be statistically correlated to anti-social and sociopathic behaviour. This would mean that a subset of families "at risk" could be quickly identified off the national DNA database, thereby reducing the cost of Kiro's screening to something eminently acceptable.

So, take the opportunity to request removal of your DNA from the national DNA database while you have the opportunity. Kiwipolemicist provides the official form to allow you to achieve this. Or, simply click the following link. You can remove your children's data if they are under sixteen. Otherwise, they will need to do it on their own account. If you are under 40, your DNA will be on the database.

Let's keep below the radar screen of megalomaniac state government.


Anonymous said...

That's a thought provoking post - thanks for the links.

I agree that National is only marginally less evil than the Labour/Green cabal, if at all.

Here's more of the nanny state:

Far more dangerous is state censorship of the internet:

I have another blog that may interest those who hail from Jerusalem:

Unknown said...

Brave and challenging words - We must keep talking.

Onward - Jim