The Afghan Military’s Child Rape
By Michelle Malkin
National Review Online
soldiers are being punished for blowing the whistle on the systematic
rape and enslavement of young boys at the hands of brutal Afghan Muslim
military officers. Honorable men in uniform have risked their careers and lives to stop
the abuse. Yet, the White House — which was busy tweeting about its new
feminism-pandering “It’s on Us” campaign against an alleged college rape
crisis based on debunked statistics — is AWOL on the actual pedophilia
epidemic known as “bacha bazi.” On Thursday, Obama-administration flacks
went out of their way to downplay Afghan child rape as “abhorrent,” but
“fundamentally” a local “law-enforcement matter.”
This is the price the innocents pay for blind multiculturalism.A New York Times report on the Afghan Muslim practice this week garnered attention and outrage on Capitol Hill — and prompted a river of denials from Obama Defense Department brass, who insisted that our troops were not ordered to look the other way. But the subjugation and sexual assault of these children — by Afghan military personnel working alongside our troops — is not new.
Afghan journalist Najibullah Quraishi’s wrenching documentary on The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan aired in Britain and the U.S. in 2010.