Just Terrifgggkkkk . . .
When it comes to our interactions with unbelievers, we have two scriptural requirements we have to keep in mind. We have to do both of these things at the same time, which presents a monumental challenge to the tidy-minded. The question is this — do we share table companionship with unbelievers and sinners? This question is an urgent one because of the current full court press coming from the totalitolerance brigade. And the answer of course is that we certainly may, and we must not.
It is comparable to those two verses in Proverbs that are side by side:
“Answer not a fool according to his
folly, Lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his
folly, Lest he be wise in his own conceit” (Prov. 26:4–5).
Do not get down on a fool’s level because you don’t want to become a fool yourself. Make sure you answer a fool at that level lest he walk away thinking he won the exchange. But when do you do which? You measure by the result.