Wednesday 2 September 2015

The Vainglory of "Old Glory"

Reasonable Questions

Douglas Wilson

. . . Now it really is reasonable to ask what an African-American Christian thinks when he sees that Confederate flag on a fellow Christian’s pick-up truck. Let me repeat that — that is a reasonable question. It should be taken into account. What would a charitable approach to this be? I don’t despise this question.

What I despise is all the special pleading and hypocrisy. So if we want our redneck brethren to learn how to remove such offensive stickers from their vehicles, we could begin by calling on all hipster Christians to show them the way by scraping their Obama/Biden stickers off. You know, Barack “God Bless Planned Parenthood” Obama.

So with rednecks confronted with a reasonable question, it is also reasonable to ask what the thirteen million African-American children who were aborted since Roe think when they see the American flag. But of course, they were never given the opportunity to think anything about it because we killed them first. They won’t ever see the American flag that flew over and authorized their “legal” slaughter. They don’t know what to think about it because we sold their brains to StemExpress.

What flag was flying outside the Supreme Court the day they settled Roe? And you want to judge the old Confederacy? Suit yourself, but the judgment with which you judge you shall be judged. What you measure out will be measured to you again. So before putting on your indignation robes and ascending behind the bench, you need to remember that the flesh of black Americans is still for sale in these United States. They are doing it right now in FedEx boxes. So before you get agitated by what I am saying about the flags, reflect on the fact that a whole bunch of “racial-reconciliation Christians” voted for Obama. Why are you so worked up? I didn’t vote for Jeff Davis, and they did vote for Obama.

Until we learn a true and principled ethical consistency, we will be constantly manipulated and steered by the zeitgeist fog machine. That, incidentally, is my point in posting the meme above. Our tangled inconsistencies are the reason our opposition to the secularists is so pathetic. Because of our unwillingness to live and die by the Scriptures, we are a coalition of dust bunnies fighting an F-5 tornado.

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