Saturday 4 June 2016

Science is Anything But Disinterested In The Truth

Hah! We Fooled You

We have spoken of a paradigm shift possibly beginning to occur within the standard materialist view of the universe.  Scientists find themselves at the Osgiliath cross roads, scratching their heads, wondering which way to go.  They remain, however, strongly convinced and adamantly consensual on one quintessentially certain point: there is no way Christian cosmology can, would, or ever be true.

David Berlinski has a sparkling description of the cross roads.
"Scientists," the physicist Paul Davies has observed, "are slowly waking up to an inconvenient truth--the universe looks suspiciously like a fix.  The issue concerns the very laws of nature themselves.  For 40 years, physicists and cosmologists have been quietly collecting examples of all to convenient 'coincidences' and special features in the underlying laws of the universe that seem to be necessary in order for life, and hence conscious beings, to exist.  Change any one of them and the consequences would be lethal."  [Cited in David Berlinksi, The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions (New York: Basic Books, 2009), p. 110f.]
How to account or explain this?  What sophisticated theorems could be devised to confuse the average punter?   Aliens might prove useful.
 Mmmm.  Talk about the "God of the gaps" theory.  Who ever imagined that it would be replaced by "Alien of the gaps".

Fred Hoyle once grumbled that the universe "looks like a put-up job".
[he] did not care to consider who might have put the job up, and when pressed, he took refuge in the hypothesis that aliens were at fault.  In this master stroke he was joined later by [geneticist] Francis Crick.  When aliens are dropped from the argument, there remains a very intriguing question: Why do the constants and parameters of theoretical physics obey such tight constraints?  [Ibid., p. 111.]
Yes.  Why, indeed?  Why does the universe look like a put-up job?  The modern secular cosmologist has his own view of evil, of the darkness.  The modern secularist knows where his version of  Mordor lies.  It is anything and any place where the three letter Name of cursedness is found: God.  Imagine Frodo and Sam being anti-hero hobbits, for whom the only possibilities of existence are in the shadows and the darkness.  The light has become unspeakable, unmentionable, the apotheosis of evil.  At the Crossroads, the westward road to Osgiliath alone has light; the other directions are dark.  But all the other roads are good, better, and best.  The shadows are more comforting to the darkened soul than the light.

Berlinski continues:
If the laws of nature are neither necessary nor simple, why, then, are they true?  Questions about the parameters and laws of physics form a single insistent question in thought: Why are things as they are when what they are seems anything but arbitrary?

One answer is obvious.   It is the one that theologians have always offered: The universe looks like it is a put-up job because it is a put-up job.  That this answer is obvious is no reason to think it false.  Nonetheless, the answer that common sense might suggest is deficient in one respect: It is emotionally unacceptable because a universe that looks like a put-up job puts off a great many physicists.  Thus they have made every effort to find an alternative.  Did you imagine that science was a disinterested pursuit of the truth?

Well, you were wrong.  [Ibid., p. 112.]
Here we approach the truth of the matter.  God cannot be true, must not be true.  For the implications are terrible for the soul which wants to reign as a great lord over all it surveys.  But the facts, the data, the realities of the physical cosmos keep pressing in.  The materialist paradigms begin to falter, stumble and crack.  The biased cant, the hitherto hidden dirty slip of Unbelief, begins to show.  How embarrassing.

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