Monday 16 November 2015

France Declares "Humanitarian" War

More of the Same

The terror attacks and mass fatalities in Paris over the past days have been long predicted and expected.  We believe there will be many more attempted; some successful.  The West is in disarray.

The French President, Hollande somewhat fatuously pronounced, "We are at war".  Sadly, and so characteristically, this was likely little more than a rhetorical flourish.  Certainly, Hollande had not had the time to go through the constitutional processes required in order for France as a nation to declare war.  Being at war has become fashionable, and somewhat meaningless, with declarations of wars being pronounced on poverty, discrimination, disease, immigration, poverty, excessive wealth, illiteracy, global warming, and Mum's Apple Pie.  Consequently, the West appears to be fighting many wars, of which this is just one. The concept of war has been inflated to meaninglessness.

Sadly, we suggest that Hollande does not know much at all about war--genuine war--and he, along with all other ostrich-head European politicians, will merely pontificate away.  Consequently, as long as this state of affairs continues, Islamist terror attacks will continue in Europe and the West.  Europe has sought to build a utopian paradise upon an idolatrous four headed ideology (secularism, atheism, materialism, and humanitarianism).  These ideologies, taken together, do not persuade a nation to fight.  In the end, they have no higher cause, no absolute law which they must respect.  They do not provide the spiritual or mental fortitude to go to war.

Now war has been taken to Europe.
  It is as if a hostile aircraft has flown over Paris and dropped a payload of bombs on the French capital city.  The "nation" or group responsible is ISIS, although, true to form, President Obama vacillated and equivocated, warning that we must not speculate about such things.  The problem, however, is that the armed forces arrayed against Europe consist of under-cover, behind-the-lines operatives and move freely and anonymously through Europe.  Consequently, the war needs to be fought on French soil, and throughout Europe, not in Syria, or some other vague national grouping in the Middle East.  The insinuating infiltrating invader needs to be sought out, identified, and killed.

But France, we expect, will be incapable of waging war on its home soil.  It is too much in love with its "liberal values".  It will not be prepared to pay the price.  It will, sadly, remain a soft and easy target for those who wage this kind of war against it.

If France were at war, as Hollande claimed, a vast array of luxury liberties would disappear overnight as the military campaign to identify and root out Islamists from the society were launched.  We expect that such would be a "bridge too far", too much of an assault upon "European values", so prepare for more anodyne pronouncements, a few more military strikes on ISIS in Syria, while the real war goes on.

Expect more successful terrorist attacks from the enemy upon the innocent in France.  Napoleon, were he alive today, would be pilloried and ostracised as an extremist, a member of  the Far Right.  It's a brave new world. 

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